Salt Lake City Attorney Specialties

5Like many other professions, Salt Lake City attorneys, have specialties that they focus on and practice. When a person is attending law school, their education is a lot more broad; and the bar exam doesn’t just focus on a specific area but every aspect of law. However, it is not feasible that an attorney can maintain a knowledge base of every aspect of the law and practice it proficiently. If you just need some help looking over  a contract or something along the lines, any lawyer should be able to help you; it’s when you start getting into more serious areas like litigation that specialties become necessary. Read more interesting ideas about the Salt Lake City attorney by clicking here.
If you’ve been looking for a Salt Lake City attorney, you’ve probably run across many websites that advertise attorneys. It is not uncommon to see lawyers with different specialties being lumped together on these sites. This can be a little misleading. Rarely will you see lawyers with different specialties working together. So before you contact a lawyer, you must first determine the kind of attorney you need. There are hundreds of specialties; however, they all fall under the three main categories listed below.

Criminal Law
Criminal law has always been seen as the exciting part of the law. If you think of a famous lawyer, chances are they are criminal attorney and rose to fame because of a sensationalized criminal case. For your sake I hope you will never need the services of a criminal attorney. Criminal charges are brought by the state or government. So if you need a criminal attorney that means you are a defendant.


Family law attorneys probably handle more cases than all other types of lawyers. The vast majority of family law cases deal with divorce and child support. But there are other issues that are dealt with in family law as well. One area that has seen a spike in cases in child emancipation.

Personal Injury

Personal injury is the third areas. If you’ve seen a lawyer on television advertising their services, it is likely that they were a personal injury attorney. For whatever reason they seem to utilize television ads more than other types of lawyers. Personal injury attorneys handle what is known as tort law which unlike criminal does not hold the penalty of incarceration. Injury law is also different because over 90% of the time, the defendants are insurance companies. Specialties in this category are work injuries, dog bites, malpractice and slip and falls just to name a few. Visit the official website of the personal injury attorney.

Regardless of why you need a lawyer, you will have no problem finding a Salt Lake City attorney to represent you and represent you well. If you are in need of a lawyer, a good place to look for one is with the local bar association. Remember, no matter what kind of case you have, it is very important to vet your attorney.

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